The mission of AAGCRP is to generate new knowledge, leading to advancements in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases that affect the development of children through adolescence as well as adult disorders that derive from them. Our multidisciplinary teams of physicians, scientists, technicians, and trainees are committed to making advancements that will improve the lives of children and their families.
a) To encourage scientific co-operation between paediatricians working in primary, secondary and tertiary paediatric care, in order to promote child health and comprehensive paediatric care.
b) To promote education of patients, families and care givers by translating special knowledge to generalists.
c) To promote research in child health care services by initiatives, projects and activities of benefit to the public.
d) To improve the quality of paediatric patient care by adequate clinical research and by implementing research into practice. Its approach is to reduce diversity of child health care while at the same time to improve quality of care.
e) To promote the exchange of national experiences in the various fields of patient care and make national practices and science known to others
f) To co-operate scientifically with other scientific paediatric associations nationally and internationally, with the World Health Organisation (WHO), UNICEF, the World Bank, and any other national and international organizations, foundations or other statutory corporations and institutions operating in the field of public health care.
g) To organize and arrange congresses and programs aiming to improve paediatric education.
TEACHING – Excellence in educational programs that graduate caring, compassionate, competent health professionals.
RESEARCH – Develop and perform basic, clinical and translational research under a strict bioethical framework
SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY/RESEARCH – Discovering new knowledge, integrating and applying knowledge to improve the health status of children.
CLINICAL CARE – Providing high quality, patient-centered, cost effective health care services. A goal pursued in a professional close and integrated effort with the “Family Paediatrics” of the surrounding Region. A major aim is to reduce the migration of families to medical centers of other Regions seeking for quality medical care.
COMMUNITY LINKS – Reaching out and partnering with neighborhoods, communities and public/private educational organization.
COLLABORATION – Working together and respecting each other’s contributions.
COMPASSION – Showing empathy and concern for the well-being of others.
COMPETENCE – Demonstrating mastery of skills of one’s profession or vocation.
EXCELLENCE – Performing at the highest level and exceeding the expectations of those we serve.
INTEGRITY – Unwavering adherence to a professional and ethical code of conduct.
RESPECT AND HONESTY – Conducting ourselves in a manner that demonstrates the value of each individual.
SERVICE – Offering our talents and skills toward betterment of our communities.
To improve access to quality health care and enhance the health status of children and to be a recognized leader in educating clinical and basic researchers in pediatrics as well as primary care and community-based health professionals.